Planetary Gearbox and Motor Mounting Instructions
一.核对马达型号与减速机規格是否正确。並将配合面擦拭干净。Confirm the motor, and gearboxize. Clean up the mounting surface.
二.如马达轴经在φ 35以下,请将马达轴上的键拿掉。Remove the motor key if the diameter of motor shaft is under φ 35.
三.检查马达出力轴尺寸,如需轴 套,请先装进入力孔內。 Check motor shaft size and insert bushing into input bore if necessary.
四.取出塞頭,使用六角扳手将迫紧 环螺丝松开。並将螺丝对准孔位。Remove the plug on the adapter vertically.plate. Rotate the set collar till the bolt is line up.
五.将马达垂直装入减速机。Put the motor into the gearbox.
六.依序1~4使用扭力扳手锁上外六角螺丝。Tighten the mounting bolt in 1~4 order with torque wrench.
七.使用扭力扳手將迫紧环螺丝锁 紧。 Tighten the set collar bolt with torque wrench.
八.装回塞头。 Tighten back the screw plug.
1.务必先锁紧马达,才能锁紧马达轴心迫紧环。 To be sure to tighten motor first and then to tighten the set collar on motor shaft.
2.请依步驟順序组装,尤其步驟6、7不可顛倒。 Please assembly in order according to above steps, especially for step 6 and step 7.